Leafology is an umbrella term for some expressive arts that include writing, drawing and collage. Wordscapes, Lectio Poetica (Listening to Poetry as a prompt to write) and an expressive writing practice I call “Writing Ourselves Whole” apply creative, expressive, and reflective writing to tell your story and/or to develop personal agency using different approaches to get the results you need.

Reflexive, reflective and expressive writing can be way into what has been called “proprioceptive” writing.

Proprioceptive – a $5 word that may sound like academic jargon to most of us.

Let’s sidestep that and consider proprioceptive writing as an intense form of eavesdropping to develop an awareness of the sound of your own thinking and your own feelings with the intention of honouring the process of Mind doing what Mind does.

Leafology, Wordscapes, and Lectio Poetica apply creative styles of expressive, and reflective writing to tell your story and develop confidence, agency, and insights.

You can apply these practices of creative collage, and expressive or reflective writing to:

  1. become kinder, more authentic with your Self
  2. make progress with a personal project
  3. subdue “writer’s block”
  4. face deadlines with more confidence
  5. put old problems into perspective and move forward
  6. release past hurts—instead of ruminating over them

What I do in my practice?

  • help people to discover a way through to wellbeing
  • deliver creative journalling workshops and seminars
  • mentor people to tell their wonderful stories in words and images
  • help groups to function as allies and collaborators
  • facilitate training roundtables
  • visit team meetings to discuss and demonstrate ways to be resilient
  • work one on one with a client to help them work through a stuck place through the application of practicing creativity

expressive art can transform the world one person at a time



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